2012Toddler Activity of the Week: Good Night Moon
My girls have an obsession with Goodnight Moon
Seriously… it might be an addiction. I’ve written about it before when they were younger… but now that they’re older, it’s gotten worse! Is there a Goodnight Moon Anonymous group?
I read Goodnight Moon four hundred times a day.
Did you know that the mouse is in a different place each time he shows up?
Did you know that the mouse eats half the bowl of mush?
Did you know there is an elephant, a giraffe, and two dolls on the bookshelf?
Did you know that the two books that you can see the cover of (one on the night stand and one on the shelf) are Goodnight Moonand The Runaway Bunny
I do.
Not that this is inherently a bad thing. I can’t tell you how many vocabulary words my girls have picked up from looking at the pictures. It’s astounding what detailed bright images can do to stimulate these little minds.
For Christmas we were given Goodnight Moon Game. I was apprehensive. Could toddlers under 2 and a half really even play this or enjoy it? I’ll let you see for yourself.
Linking up with Julia for Mama Loves this week 🙂