2012The Sweet Life
We all want to live
The Sweet Life.
Oh, dear friend,
The Sweet Life
so much
Dirt under finger nails
Suffering in the path
Pretty petals torn to bits
So that we can taste
The Sweet Life
Counting 3241-3260 gifts in this hard long but, oh, so sweet life.
- How there are spoons and forks in my laundry room which is on a different floor than the kitchen: only in this season of life.
- Aeralind’s running commentary on all things related to her. “I go poop!” “I climming.” I eating” “I take it.” “oh, no! Hat!”
- How they’re caring so well for the gardens
- Conviction over manipulation
- A good long morning nap for the boy
- Peas flowering
- Tomatoes ripening on the vine
- Visit from Aunt Kay Kay
- Backyard naked artists painting themselves
- Conversations with an ardent feminist over Biblical submission
- Aeralind dressing herself
- 2nd Moleskin almost full of thanks
- 6.99 pool from last year even more fun this year
- the sweet smell (and taste) of honeysuckle
- 2 less bottoms in diapers to change- even with all the accidents
- Aerie saying “Tut, tut! It looks like rain!” while spying an umbrella.
- Crazy morning
- Boy smiling in the crook of my arm
- Dealing with my own anger