2009Signs of Spring
Spring and Fall are my favorite seasons here. I love the glories of 60-70 degree weather here in the Spring as the world awakes from its Winter drearies. I love the busyness of spring: the planting, the desire to go walking, the bees all in a hustle around the tree, and the joyous laughter of children floating over the neighborhood. But I love Fall too when the HEAT of summer is dissipating. The hills are awash in splendid color. And the pace of things is slower: the veggies just need picking, the family is gathered around for plentiful meals, the walks are lingering, and the bees seem to be lazily darting around for that last drop of nectar.
But at the moment, I’m spending days outside wandering on petal strewn paths in open toed shoes and enjoying God creating everything anew.