Brady: Down Syndrome Awareness Month

Brady met me with a curious stare.  He seems pretty easy going, but he wanted to see what I was like.

Down Syndrome

It didn’t take long before he started cracking all kinds of smiles for me.

Down Syndrome Portraits Greenville SC

Seriously, this little guy has a million different smiles.

Down Syndrome Pictures Greenville SC

But smiling wasn’t enough!  Brady love to give hugs.  And they are the best hugs ever. He hugged me every time he could reach me.

What if my baby has Down Syndrome?

He even had me carry him from set to set.

Down Syndrome People First

Brady loves music and obviously had a very joyful outlook on life.


His mama smiles wistfully when asked about how we can love Brady best, “Please just treat him with respect like any other human being.”  Brady is a person first and, just like you and me, he craves human interaction and love.