2015Liam: Special Needs Awareness
To know Liam is to love Liam. He is a very easy going kid, and loves everyone. Liam was born with hydrocephalus which means water on the brain. He is both physically and mentally impaired, and non verbal. He laughs really easily. He loves when his doggies get to playing and when we throw the ball back and forth to each other. Anything being thrown up in the air will make him laugh as well. He is definitely not camera shy. As soon as I bring the camera out he turns into a total ham and will put on a show. Everyone who sees Liam tells us how adorable he is, not even knowing he has special needs. I love being Liam’s momma and wouldn’t trade it for the world.

I would love if people would stop asking me if he can have candy. Liam has never had candy bc he has some swallowing issues and wherever we go people always ask me if he can have it, because he looks like a normal 2 yr old. When I say no, they just give me a look like I’m a mean mom. But the truth is he wouldn’t be able to handle candy and eat it without choking.
I would tell any parent who gets the news that their child will have special needs that it is completely normal to ask WHY ME? and feel a million different emotions. BUT it is so important to always remember this is part of GODS plan and he will guide the way ALWAYS. Being a special needs parent is no easy task and the hardest part for me personally is seeing all the kids the same age excelling and walking and talking and then there is my child who is not yet. It is ok to feel sorry for yourself and it is ok to throw a pity party every once in awhile. We are all human and while we may see more trips to the hospital, and more doctors appointments, and more therapies, our children are still a gift from GOD and they deserve the same kind of love as any other child.

I have found that my longtime friends are still my friends but they don’t really understand the journey I am and because of that I have connected with other Special Needs moms and it is the best thing to ever happen. I have made so many good friends who I can go to and vent and I know they will totally understand and be able to give me the advice and comfort that I need.

I think you are truly amazing for doing this for our kids!! I hope we can bring awareness to everyone when it comes to special needs children. Parents who have “normal” children need to educate their own kids in accepting kids with special needs. People need to know our kids are not a contagious disease and just because they may look and act different they are still human beings and deserve as much acceptance and respect as the next person!
Liam and Eva: Greenville SC Child Photographer - Natural Greenville SC Newborn Baby Photographer Quiet GracesNatural Greenville SC Newborn Baby Photographer Quiet Graces
[…] Liam and his sister Eva came back to see me during a mini session! […]
So betuaiful. I would love to nestle my next blessing in a canary yellow Moses basket with a natural finish. I love that colour because it reminds me of happiness and sunshine, and my babies are the sunshine of my life 🙂