2013I can hardly eat today.
That’s not the usual case. I actually often have to repent of gluttony. But today I’m suffering through another minor stomach bug.
I open a letter from Delsys with a drawing of her wearing a beautiful blue and white dress. She writes that she prays that we stay in good health. I needed that encouragement today. To know that even though my intestines are in turmoil, I will likely be okay. It’s amazing how a 5 year old child in poverty can speak into my heart.
But she writes that she is thankful “for belonging in a family” and asks that we “always pray for her entire family so that God keeps them in good health and that they can be united.”
I’m struck with the brokenness of a prayer request like this from a 5 year old. A five year old who watches families broken by curable diseases such as malaria and who wants to be a nurse so she can heal that hurt and save families.
I know a few five year olds and they want to be things like ballerina’s or stunt motorcyclists or firefighters or mommys. These first world 5 year olds want to seek glory for themselves or become someone they admire, but third world Delsys is on a mission to stop disease from wrecking families. The contrast is stark.
We’re at the store the other day and one of my three year olds is throwing a fit over a toy that we simply cannot afford. The other one pats her on the shoulder: “Don’t cry. You can ask for it for Christmas,” she consoles. A part of me dies of horror in response.
I love gift giving and it’s truly my love language, but things need to change around here. I’m not sure how to enact that change, but I know a few ways to start. Stressing the gospel, reading the word, attending the combating materialism parent class next session, teaching the girls to give, and falling flat on my face in prayer.
Delsys, sweet girl, I’m not sure how we thought we could help you… in truth, we need your perspective more than you need our meager $38 a month.
2013“Mommy, I like your polka dots.”
Aeralind is reclining on my chest. She had just asked for and received a “big fat hug.”
(You know, where you lay on your back and your child lays on your tummy and both of you put your feet in the air and then you squeeze the mess out of them? Oh… you don’t know… I’m sorry. Go try it.)
She’s poking my face while she says this. Specifically, she’s poking my ever present zits.
You heard her right: she just told me she likes my pimples.
Aerie moves to the second cheek. “I like this polka dot, too,” she exclaims as she stabs a particularly painful zit. I really don’t know what to say. Usually I’m an educator… but in that quiet silly moment, I don’t want to tell her that zits are ugly, socially unacceptable, gross, and painful. So I stay hushed.
A week ago (or so), I had edited all of my polka dots out of an image of Aerie and I (and some stray peanut butter from Aerie’s hair).
Editing them out wasn’t wrong. I’m pretty sure Aerie will remember me with clear skin, because I don’t remember my mom having skin issues or hair issues or anything else.
Yet, my sweet Aeralind Grace, with her child-heart is telling me the very message that I preach here daily in this space (mostly to myself!).
My most beautiful moments (yours too) are the messy everyday vulnerable stories. Zits and all.
And more importantly, these messy moments are the intersections of grace.
I am loved by Aeralind and, more importantly, by the very God of the universe, zits and all.
2013There’s been this huge pregnant pause in my dreams recently.
Yes, I’m highly enjoying interacting with members of my Free Beginner Photography Class. Yes, my children are finally healthy and it’s spring and we’re all romping in the backyard. Yes, when the Spirit prods, I am writing from my vulnerable everyday mess. I am even feeling called to attend Allume and my last session had provided all the rest of the money needed to purchase the ticket.
But email inquiries were resulting in people who disappeared right before they booked a session. I hadn’t even had a session in over 6 weeks. My initial God sized dream to book 12 sessions this yea, well, it was seeming next to impossible. Feeling pretty low, I messaged a photographer friend for marketing advice.
But she didn’t give me marketing advice, she showed me the very heart of God.
While I was feeling discouraged, she was feeling a call to give me a very large and unexpected sum of money toward the purchase of a professional grade camera that at my current business income, I wouldn’t be able to afford for at least 5 years.
I think I was speechless for days. Here was my heavenly Father (through my generous friend) wrapping his arms around me and just whispering, “Be faithful with what I give, sweet daughter of mine. I will walk you through dreams. And this walk will be wilder than you ever imagined.”
But then I still had a huge decision. What do I do about Allume? With her gift and the money I currently had I could easily buy a used camera body one step under my ultimate dream camera. If I bought the ticket with not one session on the books, how long would it be before I could purchase that same camera body? By the end of the summer? 2 years from now? Longer?
There God was, holding out an extravagant gift after giving a calling to attend a conference and what was my response?
I was doubting His sovereignty.
If I bought the ticket to a place He was calling me then I doubted that He’d make it possible for my much-needed camera upgrade to occur. Did I mention He had contributed over 1/2 of my step down from dream camera body and a little over 1/4 of my I don’t dare to even ask for it camera body? And my response was to doubt.
Yet, my part of dreaming this crazy dream to be a photographer (and sometimes a writer who speaks right where He asks) isn’t to create results. I don’t have to shoot 12 sessions this year (my well written SMART goal- Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely) even if that is a huge part of the dream. My real dreaming assignment is relational obedience to His callings.
In her book, You’re Made for a God-Sized Dream: Opening the Door to All God Has for You, Holley Gerth says it this way:
Saying yes to God at every step is the only true success when it comes to your dream… If you are obedient, then you are successful regardless of the results.
So I bought the ticket. I obeyed and sat back and trusted His gracious sovereignty. And I’m still fighting the Chihuahua of Fear, but that’s okay because the Lord Jesus Christ walks beside me.
So, fellow dreamer, here’s the truth of my story now: relationship motivated obedience is always what God asks.
Even if He takes you off the course of what you thought your dream might be, obedience is key, because the Giver only gives the best gifts even when we don’t understand.
2013This week’s God-sized Dream writing prompt from Holley Gerth made me laugh out loud! Here it is below:
“Fear hangs out right next to whatever it is you’re most called to do. That means the closer you get to your calling, the louder fear sounds. Keep going–fear is a chihuahua that sounds like a Doberman.” —You’re Made for a God-sized Dream, Chapter Five
Your prompt from last week: It’s time to have a little talk with the fear in your life. Write a letter that starts out, “Dear Chihuahua of Fear, I have some things I’d like to say to you…” {Is this kinda silly? Um, yes, but that’s the point. Fear always tries to make us take it more seriously than we should.} Link up your letter below. Extra credit if you can make us laugh out loud.
I have some things I’d like to say to you.
You’ve been barking at me for far too long.
Honestly, I wasn’t gifted with compassion for loud rat shaped miniature dogs (sorry, if you were) and I’ve honestly wanted to kick you since I first heard your yap.
But I have refrained because I didn’t want anyone to see me boot you from here to China. It’d sort of be disgraceful, you know?
But the truth is your annoying little bark is responsible for whispering things that devalue my worth as a daughter of Christ.
Maybe you do deserve a good swift kick.
You see, Chihuahua of Fear, you’re written about in the bible (although the writer refers you to you as a lion… such an overrated title).
The sluggard says, “There is a lion in the road!
There is a lion in the streets!” Proverbs 26:13
So let me tell you something. You can sit in the middle of my path an yap away at me all you want. I refuse to listen (well, except sometimes… when I’m weak and haven’t yet appealed to the Lion of Judah, the real Lion). I don’t think I’ll kick you either because that would be wasting time and energy better suited to faithfully working toward the God-sized dream in my heart.
You know what else, Chihuahua? I’m not going to let my friends pay any attention to your posturings in the middle of their streets either. I will sit here and encourage through the bad days and point to Christ. I will tell myself and anyone who needs to hear that the only way to ignore the chihuahua of fear is to press into the Maker of Love.
There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love. 1 John 4:18
If I’m going to be punished if success (as I or you measure it) never occurs, then, yep, I really ought to fear you, Chihuahua. But that’s not exactly how things work.
The problem is that you’re barking up the wrong tree; you know you don’t want to mess with the daughter of the one nailed to that cross tree. Yeah, I didn’t think so. You might want to quit barking at that cross… the One who bore it has power over death.
But what’s more, Chihuahua of fear, the Conqueror of the death tree you’re barking me against defines success differently than you do. He defines success as obedience motivated by love and disobedience followed by sweet repentance. And there’s no room for you in perfect love.
So move over, Chihuahua of Fear, I’m going to to keep loving and seeking the One who loved me first by His grace. I’m going to keep following that perfect love right into the heart of my God-sized dream. And when you get too savage, my Savior will carry me right over you.
Hasta la Vista, Little Yip Yap.
a daughter of the King whose Name is Love
2013Spring is here.
I have this incredible urge to change clothes like the trees and adorn myself and my space with beauty.
I push the plastic playground down our sloped yard and into the shade. My daughters pick clover ‘flowers’ and place them in an empty spice jar on the table. I move all the furniture around in our awkwardly shaped living/dining room, trying to find the arrangement that is most beautiful and most suitable.
My back hurts at the end. The baby breaks into a puddle of tears and when I lay him on the moved couch, he stays. It’s so unusual I touch him to find his temperature feeling a little higher than normal. I’ve said a few words in unkind tones trying to prod my daughters out of the way so I could move the next piece.
My real life is filled with beautiful-mess. Sure my living room is now vacuumed and rearranged… but there are nail polish stains on the carpet, a play kitchen topped with everything we want to keep out of Sedryn’s reach, and hurt feelings that had to be healed as I hustled the littles about in an effort to get this done.
Oh… and a pile of wet laundry still waiting to be hung out on the line.
So much of the time I only want to show you the newly rearranged space. The pretty manicured side of my life. I want to hide my sin. I want to step back from true community and sit smugly with my I’ve-got-it-all-together glance around the room.
But there are always two sides to my life. There is always the sweat and blood and tears and frustration and sin and dreaming and learning and encouraging words and the very hand of God behind anything “I” accomplish.
To show you the sin, the disappointment, the pain, the sorrow, the struggle, the fear, or the achy-furniture moving back as well as the God-glory moments of beauty, joy, love, sacrifice, and perfectly arranged furniture is to encourage you that your most beautiful moments really are the messy everyday vulnerable stories. Precisely because those moments are less than perfect. Precisely because those moments are yours alone by grace.
So when Holley asks me to share the why behind my dream… I almost what to shake her. Really? Why?! Why not, Holley? But then I remember, God wired us all differently.
This passion I feel to share with you my own messes and to hopefully be invited to photograph your messy real (and truly beautiful) life is mine. It’s a calling. It’s a gift. Holley or you may never fully understand the why, but here’s the most succinct way that I can share with you why.
When I finally reach out to community in my worst sin and tear filled moments, I am most encouraged to keep walking with Jesus the next day when I hear my community whisper these words:
“Oh, sweetie, I’ve been there, too. It’s so hard. But God is bigger than this and He’s growing you to be more like Him. Let’s pray that he will help you see the beauty in that very hard growth.”
I want to write and photograph in such away that the community around me (no matter how small or large) can hear that encouragement through my work. That is why I’m pursuing my God-sized dream, because I know the power of a voice that speaks grace.
That’s why you should pursue a God-sized dream (more of what God has for you), because only your voice can speak grace in the way He designed.