Multitude Monday

Perspective Shifting Thanks

I’ve been eating cheese on and off for about 2 weeks now.  I thought the girls may have been outgrowing their dairy sensitivity and honestly cheese is the only thing I miss. We’ve had no diapers rashes, and no weird diaper fillings, and the girls have mostly been themselves.  But over the last 2 weeks we’ve seen an increase in terrible gas attacks: 3 since I sneaked my first cheese.  Couple this with Bronwyn’s new eczema and I’m certain that the three of us will be diary free for the next four months.

Tonight’s gas attack was a major 2 1/2 hour episode. Derek and I had lost track of time last night and stayed up until midnight and the girls woke this morning at 6:15.  Normally a screaming baby under those circumstances would result in me loosing patience and crying to have a moment alone, a moment’s rest.  But tonight as I rocked and snuggled with my screaming children, I thought: what a blessing it is to have extra hours to snuggle and rock a precious baby who will only be this small for such a short time.

I’m not even halfway to a thousand yet, but this blessing counting, this thanksgiving: it is changing me.  For thanksgiving (the art of reflecting glory back to the One who owns it all) is what we all were made to do. 

442. 2.5 hours of extra snuggling and rocking time on the last night these little ones will ever be 7 months old
443. Finally catching my first girls smiling together photo since 4 months. 
444. A walk with Derek while the girls happily suck on prunes through a mesh feeder in their stroller
445. Visiting Lindy and making her a milkshake before precious little Brandt arrives
446. Watching God strengthen all of us in our small group as He cares for little Brandt and provides for all their needs
447. Aeralind laughing hysterically at Lindy’s dog Shelby after being licked
448. Bronwyn petting Shelby
449. Someone who understands the acronyms/trials of NSTs and BPPs
450. A Mason Jar Bouquet of backyard flowers

451. Dancing with Margaret and the gang at the Seminary on our anniversary
452. Both girls playing happily on the floor 1.5 hours after bedtime so we could dance
453. 4 years of marriage
454. A playdate at Sarmite’s
455. Seeing Jenny again
456. Unexpected new toys from Sarmite
457. Craisins
458. Air Conditioning
459. Grapes, Melon, Strawberries

holy experience

More Gifts

424. Little girls  both chewing on Daddy’s belt
425. The gift (and trials) of being a stay at home momma
426. The ability to apologize
427. My sewing machine
428. Baby safe mesh feeders
429.The fragrance of honeysuckle
430. Little girls giggling as my lips mingle on their skin
431. Blueberries
432. A picnic with other Moms of Multiples
433. Aeralind scooting halfway across the living room to chew on my tiny bible
434. Bronwyn rolling around in her mommy-made crawler skirt trying to touch me.
435. Pancakes brought to me on Mothers day after I’d already been granted the gift of sleep until 10 am
436. The color Orange
437. Nana’s tears of joy and thankfulness
438. My grandma making it through surgery to have cancer removed
439. A yard full of happy yellow dandelions
440. another nap in my bed with sweet snuggly daughters
441.the Gospel

holy experience

Pterodactyls and Blue Dinosaurs: A few more Gifts Received

400. Chick-fil-a with Becca and Brady
401. Holding Baby Eric while his momma ate cereal
402. Curling up with my girls for a mid morning nap

403. 2 ounces of cheddar consumed with no real reaction from the girls (?!!!)
404. Pterodactyl noises from whatever room the girls are in (oh how they love to squeal!)
405. Little girls smiling at me
404. Feeding blueberries for the first time
406. Rain. So refreshing and we (and my garden) need it sooo much.
407. My little girls sleeping for an hour in my car after going to visit Becca
408. Talking to Sarmite
409. Playing “Duck, Duck, Blue Dinosaur” (I have no idea where the variation came from) with Bryce, James, and Daylin.
410. My girls tucked in Daylin’s Full Sized bed sleeping for 2 hours side by side
411. Daylin shrieking as I pushed and tickled her in the swing.
412. Walking around the Farmers Market during the flower fest with the girls in the stroller
413. The tiny little shower of rain at the church picnic: just enough to cool us off
414. The girls sleeping in their stroller at the church picnic
415. The kids next to us cuddling up under their blanket as it rained
416. Ruthie playing with my babies
417. Turning my first cartwheel since I was pregnant.
418. Dinner and Panera with Derek and the girls
419. Waking up to rain
420. A new orange Nalgene
421. the song of a robin
422. cutting Derek’s hair
423. Sword fighting my husband with butter knives

holy experience

The Gift of Family

We’ve had so many opportunities to revel in family this week.  I wish I could just jot it all down moment by moment, but it’s just not possible. Here’s a tiny list of what I’m thankful for:

382. Little Toes to paint while they munch on banana in a mesh feeder
383. Changing diapers in my Sister’s astro-turf clad trunk
384. Laughter as one of the girls spits up all over my sister who is scared of drool 🙂
385. Aeralind laughing at Grandpa Campbell
386. Bronwyn stroking the mustache
387. Both girls staring at Grandma Campbell while finishing their pears
388. The drive to Columbia to see them, while singing Rich Mullins with Derek
389. The drive back from Cola, two exhausted girls asleep, while Derek and I had priceless time to just talk
390. Derek’s new-found ability to make both girls laugh hysterically when making crazy noises and rubbing his face on their tummies
391. Derek jumping up during prayer time at church to get me tissues without me asking
392. Going down the slides at the park with the girls in their Moby Wraps
393. Silly family self-portraits

394. All four of us tucked in bed Friday morning, chatting and snuggling
395. Giggles and Shrieks coming from the nursery as I set up my nursing pillow and Derek retrieves the babies
396. All four of us sitting at the dinner table chomping on Sweet Potato Fries
397. Staining the deck with the girls in Exersaucer’s aptly listening to me sing\
398. Little girls stealing their daddy’s glasses before he has a chance to stop them
399. Holding hands during bedtime prayers

holy experience

The Gifts just Keep Coming

370. Bronwyn fingering her bumper ruffle and talking to it gently mid-nap
371. A tiny leaf shaped bug on the clothesline
372. Dandelions

373. A cherry pitter that my sister found at a thrift store, just before cherry season ripens
374. A replaced stroller that works
375. A very unexpected gift card from my amazing sister
376. Cut glass water droplets of dew on my tiny peas.

377. An empty box for the girls to play with
378. Aeralind snuggling close with me in bed to take a little nap
379. Bronwyn laughing and kicking her legs in a swing at the park
380. Derek caresses
381. Lily of the Valley plants finally discovered locally at the Farmers market from a sweet elderly lady!

holy experience