2010I wish I had taken a photo. Oh, well. I want to record this memory because it was hysterical!
At about 3 today I decided to head out to Target to get deodorant. I also thought I might stop by Hobby Lobby and see if any fabric appealed to me. I put the girls in the living room while frantically looking for the patterns that were on my “next up” list. It must have taken me 5 minutest to find them.
I zoom into the living room and see Bronwyn sitting and playing with a toy.
Aeralind is nowhere in sight.
Into the kitchen I ran. I didn’t see her at first but then I caught a glimpse of little feet peaking out from behind the recycling bin. What was she up to?
Nothing could have prepared me for the sight.
She had knocked over the cat’s dish of water and was gleefully splashing in it like a pig in mud.
She was soaked to the skin.
Man, I love these kids! Never a dull moment around here 🙂
2010It’s been a crazy couple of weeks! First, they (and I) had snotty noses. Then, the 3-day weekend brought an all day outing with family, some out and about on Sunday, and Monday fun included ice cream at a friends house and free Chick-fil-a Spicy sandwiches (yum yum).
Aeralind has learned to crawl and sit up on her own, (thus limiting keyboard time) Bronwyn has the most amazing and surprisingly quick “inch-worm” type crawl that I’ve ever seen (her upper body is sooo strong), I’ve been sewing a boys’ costume (random I know… but I had the free fabric and the pattern), and we managed to go on a walk yesterday evening before they crashed. Whew! I’ll be back to blogging more regularly now (hopefully) and I even have four or five things in my queue including my very first pattern with a tutorial. I’m super excited!
The white linen sunhats were made from a pattern lent to me by one of my followers: Sew4my3. I love them! Your box of patterns will be returning soonish, but after the last trip to the post office, it may be a little while longer 🙂 Thank so much.