
Greenville SC Newborn Baby Photos with Big Brother

When Liz contacted me about Greenville SC Newborn Baby Photos with Big Brother, I was so excited  She really wanted some beautiful family photos, but her exact words were: “Even if we’re all making silly faces it will do, because that’s really who we are.” I was instantly smitten with this family.

Clearly we were able to create beautiful candid images with a few silly faces to capture this family in their full glory.

Simpsonville SC Newborn Baby Family PhotosGreenville SC Newborn Baby Daddy and Older Brother

However, after Tripp warmed up to me with some “Where’s daddy’s nose?” games, we did get beautiful family photos with Tripp too.

Studio Photographer Greenville SC Family Photos

Greenville SC Newborn Baby Family Pictures

Liz also took charge of her session and prepped Tripp for the experience with my Preparing Toddlers for Photos Post.  So when Tripp had warmed up and I had the positive reinforcement treat in my hand (fruit snacks!), this small miracle of brotherly love occurred.

Greenville SC Newborn Baby Photos with Big Brother or Sister

I love photos like this because they help parents remember, during the day in and day out of teaching a toddler not to hit newborn brother, that this season of motherhood is a gift.  And that soon enough these boys will be very best friends.

Greenville SC Newborn Baby Photos with Big Brother

When we were finished posing Tripp, he played happily over in my big sibling corner with the Little People Zoo.  So I moved on to posing with daddy, Carey.  I just love how when you place baby in Daddy’s hands you can tell how small they really are.

Simpsonville SC Daddy and Baby Newborn Photos

But Shepard also made daddy a little gift that Liz and I can not stop laughing over.  Accidents do happen in the studio 😉


He didn’t make any gifts for Liz though, who looks absolutely stunning holding Shepard.  Motherhood (and fatherhood) is such a hard thing: sleepless nights, learning to be more patient and selfless, and constantly giving of yourself to another human.  This wonder of motherhood, makes a woman even more beautiful.

Timeless Greer SC Newborn Baby Photographer Simple Greenville Newborn Photography Simple Newborn Baby Pictures Simpsonville SC Daddy and Mommy Newborn Baby Pictures Simpsonville SC

Finally, we captured some images of sweet Shepard alone.

Timeless Simple Newborn Baby Pictures Simpsonville SC Newborn Photographer Newborn Baby Pictures Greer SC Lifestyle Newborn Baby Photography Greenville SC Greenville SC Newborn Baby Photographer

This smile though!

Greenville SC Smiling Newborn Baby Pictures

Are you looking to capture Greenville SC Newborn Baby Photos with Big Brother or Sister?

I’d love to hear your story and desires for images.  Click here to contact me or click here to learn more about working with Quiet Graces Photography.


Simple Beautiful Timeless Newborn Baby Girl Photos Greenville SC

I was so excited to do Charlotte’s Simple Beautiful Timeless Newborn Baby Girl Photos Greenville SC here in my Taylors, SC studio.  I have to admit I gasped when they walked into the studio! Her head of hair is so incredible!

Simple Beautiful Timeless Newborn Baby Girl Photos Greenville SC

Newborn Baby Photographer Greenville SC


Charlotte Birth Announcement from Melissa Aldrich on Vimeo.

Charlotte is the first little girl in a family with two older brothers. Older brother James was so in love with Charlotte that he pretty much stole the session’s highlights.  I mean look at this snuggle. I didn’t tell him to do this! He just wanted to snuggle her this bad.

Newborn with Sibling Pictures Greenville SC

Newborn baby with brother pictures Simpsonville SC

Little brother Martin was a bit more of a wildcard.  All two year old children are wildcards.  We got some beautiful images of him alone, but since he was just waking up from a car nap on arrival, he wasn’t interested in sibling photos. I’m still super pleased with his solo images.  We were able to capture the beautiful hint of green in his eyes that his mama just adores so much.

Child Studio Photos Greer SC

Greenville SC Child Studio Photographer

I had to sing, dance, put a tiger on my head, and crow like a rooster to get Martin to sit still for the family pictures, but it was so worth it to give Corey this beautiful family portrait.

Greer SC Newborn Baby Photographer

Natural newborn baby pictures Greer sc

Corey chose to have me schedule a make up artist from Cotton Rouge for her session.  This extra boost in confidence right after birth made these images some of my very favorite mama pictures ever.

Simpsonville SC Newborn Baby Photographer

Mama with Newborn Baby photos greer sc



When mama Corey contacted me in her second trimester, it was clear how much she love Charlotte already. She even bought her a beautiful headband from Goodnight Moon Props (one of my favorite vendors) that you’ll see featured in her image.  I have many headbands in the studio, but this special personal touch by Corey was clearly meant for a memory box.

Simple Beautiful Timeless Newborn Baby Girl Photos Simpsonville SC Timeless Newborn Baby Girl Pictures Greer SC

Looking for Simple Beautiful Timeless Newborn Baby Girl Photos Greenville SC for Your Family?

Newborn Baby Detail Pictures Greenville SC

I’d love to serve your family.  Contact me today for information regarding a newborn photography.



Greenville SC Newborn Twin Photographer

I love being a Greenville SC Newborn Twin Photographer to kittens!

Greenville SC Twin Newborn Photographer

These little guys were our foster Kittens through Foster Paws Rescue in Greenville SC.


Their names are Hubble (black) and Cassini (buff colored).


I had to sneak them down into the studio for a quick little shoot to remember them in all their tininess.

If you’re looking to book a session with a Greenville SC Newborn Twin Photographer, I do mostly do human subjects and I’m also a twin mama myself.  Click here and here and here to see four twin sessionsAnd click here to meet my own twins (my is this post old! I need to do a new one!).
Greenville SC Twin Newborn Photographer
Click here if you’d like to inquire about your own twin session.

Timeless Newborn Rainbow Baby Photography Greenville SC

I was so excited to create Timeless Newborn Rainbow Baby Photography Greenville SC for Emily and Terrance.  These two won my birthday giveaway on Facebook back in January.  I had people nominate someone they thought was deserving of a free photo session.

Timeless Newborn Rainbow Baby Photography Greenville SC

Emily’s sister nominated them for this session, telling the story of how Emily and Terrance lost a baby.  This makes Uriah a rainbow baby: a baby born after unimaginable loss.

Simple Black and White Newborn Baby Pictures

All babies are precious miracles, but I have such a sweet spot for rainbow babies.  The way their parents love and treasure them is breathtaking.

Piedmont SC Newborn Photographer

Uriah’s parents were no different. He wasn’t much of a sleeper during the session, so Terrance spent a little time rocking him after Emily fed him.  The resulting images melt my heart.

Family photos with newborn in studio Greenville

Newborn in Daddys hands Greer SC

Newborn with Daddy Greenville SC Photos

But so do these sweet posed family images.  There’s this immense feeling of a love that you can absorb through your pores.  Those sweet kisses, the tender snuggles, the way they look at each other and their boy.

Timeless Newborn Pictures Greenville SC

This is why I create: to recreate for people the beauty and strength and emotion that I see in their lives.

Simpsonville SC Newborn Photographer

Greenville SC Newborn Photographer

As I said before, other than when he was snuggling with his parents, Uriah was mostly awake and curious. He wanted to know what was going on in the studio and happy to just hang out with me.

Simple Greenville SC Newborn Photographer

I made the most of his content awake state by keeping him mostly wrapped and using various props and sets to showcase his sweet face.

Baby on Black Photos Greenville SC Awake Newborn Baby Photos Greenville SC Piedmont SC Newborn Photographer

We finished the session with this beautiful special request.  Terrance and Emily both have these tiny wrist tattoos to remember their baby in heaven.  They wanted a picture showing their love for their whole family and this is what we did.  I simply love the result!

Greer SC Newborn Photographer

Looking for Timeless Newborn Rainbow Baby Photography Greenville SC?

I’d love to serve you!  Get to know more about Quiet Graces Photography by clicking here. 

Greenville SC Newborn Baby Studio Photographer

As a Greenville SC Newborn Baby Studio Photographer, I have the joy of meeting brand new parents in their very first days with their little ones.  I get to look them in the eyes and tell them (TRUTHFULLY!) that they are doing an amazing job.  I get to tell them that feeling that way or struggling with breastfeeding or being so tired you are walking into walls (I’ve done it) is totally within the range of normal.  It’s such a gift to me to not only be entrusted with holding their little ones, but also with encouraging them in their story.

Greenville SC Newborn Baby Studio Photographer

Meet Millie Kate and her amazing parents, Dani and Korey.

Newborn Baby in a Bowl Pictures Simpsonville SC

For most of the session, Millie was so content to just be awake and gazing about the room.  This doesn’t happen often with sweet babies in the studio, but when it does I thoroughly enjoy it.  You see newborns have not master the focusing of their eyes.  I can spend a very long time trying to get an awake image where baby appears to be looking at the camera.  Sometimes little ones fall back asleep before I’ve got one!

Timeless Newborn Baby Pictures

But Millie Kate gave us two open eye pictures that her parents selected for their final gallery.

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After her long awake period and a little snack, Millie was content to fall asleep in her parents arms.  Parent images are my absolute favorite.  You can feel how much these sweet babies are loved when you see them in their parents arms.

Greenville SC Newborn Photographer


I especially love this image of Millie in Korey’s hands in our oval wood print. The sense of how tiny she really is quite tangible.Simpsonville Newbonr Photographer

Millie came in early spring when both the Camellias and my Cherry tree were in blossom.  I brought both of those inside to use in some of her prop sets and I just love the results.

Baby in Nest pictures Greenville SC Newborn Baby Studio Pictures

My favorite images were these in the nest where Millie posed herself.  I just love the little details this relaxed pose she chose allowed us to capture.

Greenville SC Newborn Photographer

Looking to book your own Greenville SC Newborn Baby Studio Photographer?

I’d love to hear your story and send you information about working with me.  Click here to request information today!