2015Luke is all boy. He must have climbed and explored everything in the whole studio. Nothing was too great an obstacle for this little adventurer.
Luke is a child with Down Syndrome. But that doesn’t change the fact that he is a unique individual with his own needs, wants, and agenda. An agenda Luke made abundantly clear with multiple uses of the word “no” 😉
Mommy and I got quite the workout chasing this little guy around and watching him explore, but even so we managed to capture just who he was.
I love that his mama was laid back and just went with the flow. I would rather capture a child being their normal mischievous and high energy selves than to force them to do formal poses.


I’m thankful that his disability is obvious from his facial features, especially when he’s behaving badly in public. Once people see him and realize he has Down syndrome, their rude looks usually soften with understanding. I feel for parents of children whose diabilities / special needs aren’t so readily apparent, because they have to endure the disapproving glares of strangers when their child is misbehaving or having a meltdown.


I hope that people see potential when they meet Olivia, not limitations.
2015Back in April I participated in The Big Baby Shower at Haywood Mall. I was offering fun 10 minute mini sessions for babies and young toddlers and just getting to know our community.
Here’s a sampling of the fun we had in the next 5 sessions!
If you love the idea of a mini session, click here to sign up for emails. All of these dates are introduced first via my e-newsletter!